
In the concept-wise, I was able to create a simple and delight world for the players to jump into a game but also eccentric to understand the theme and purposes. The main character, banana, is already random, but the way I used the sugar (enemy), and how they cause the main character dizzy (I slightly indicated by using the illusional background) portrays the drug consumption. I specifically used banana 'brownies' to indicate it. In the end, the player has to combat a tart base boss to become a fruit tart. I was portraying the banana that took an excessively large amount of sugar therefore, it wanted to become a part of the sugars. This depicts the drug overdose. However, the game does not have the stories, so players can play this game lightly.
In BBaNNaNNa, I achieved to create various enemies of different abilities, which creates challenges for the players. Also, I fulfilled to give feedback to the players, since it was my first time to implement UI and UX designs of camera shakes, particle systems, and sprites. These components just strengthened the gameplay experiences.
During the process, I encountered many problems, especially coding. I wrote my code too heavy that crushed my game and laptop several times. Probably, I wrote in the way that it is unacceptable to Unity. Besides coding, time management was the most problematic issue. I was not able to finish some of the effects and I had to take out some items. It was difficult to balance the character and background design to be harmonized. My characters were too cartoony but the backgrounds were too blended. I once used the illusional drawing but it was unplayable due to the motion sickness.
Conclusion/Next Steps:
I learned the important lesson, which is time management. I realized the power of a schedule, otherwise, I spend excessive time on unnecessary features, which decreases the production time for other elements. In the design aspect, I want to add more feedbacks and abilities such as the camera turns red by using post-processing, add the boss music when the boss arrives, add the scoring system, spawn the brownie according to the scores, powerups such as bombs and speedups, and the enemy health bars. To enhance my game I will add the animation to the enemies, the player and the transition between the levels.
Fight the Sugars!!
More posts
- Game Journal: Exercises & ResearchesOct 05, 2019
- Design ProcessOct 04, 2019
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